We are proud to introduce our twelfth Sunday Spotlight, featuring Connie Schmidt who teaches in Carey, OH.  Connie loves snacking on Reese’s peanut butter cups while using Edulastic, is working on implementing standards-based learning, and you won’t find her classroom void of removable wall quotes!  We hope you enjoy the interview with Connie!

Connie Schmidt

Middle School Math Teacher
Carey High School

Carey, OH
8 years teaching


“I always remember what it felt like to be that student that struggles, so I really work hard to let my students know that it’s ok to struggle and make mistakes because that is part of the learning process.”

– Connie Schmidt

Get to know Connie Schmidt

What do you love about teaching? 

I love teaching because I love helping students to find their purpose and who they are. I chose to be a math teacher because I used to struggle in math and I know how they feel. I always remember what it felt like to be that student that struggles, so I really work hard to let my students know that it’s ok to struggle and make mistakes because that is part of the learning process.

What is your “Edulastic story”? 

I began using Edulastic last year. I started using it because I wanted to see real-time data during assessments. I love how it breaks down each question and allows me to identify weaknesses. Once I identify those weaknesses, I can put interventions in place because I know exactly what my students missed and why they missed it. I also love that I can go in and provide feedback for each student. I can do overall feedback, or feedback on individual questions.

Describe your favorite Edulastic “aha” moment.

I love that Edulastic has each question tied to a standard. I can assess over that standard and see where my students are. Again, this lets me quickly identify our areas of weakness and allows me to put interventions in place. I also love how Edulastic imports questions from Ohio Air tests. This allows me to assign those questions for practice so my students can see how the questions are structured.

What are your teaching/learning goals this school year?

One of my main goals this year is to implement standards-based learning. I have started this with one class and we take several small assessments over standards. They receive a mastery, progressing, or a beginning on each assessment. Because I’m only doing assessments (no homework/participation grades), I allow every assessment to be retaken to help students gain that mastery of the standard.

Tips for new Edulastic users:

Don’t be afraid to try it! Edulastic is so easy to use that once you see the real-time data, you will never go back to hand grading assessments again. Results are instant, and you can see exactly what they struggled with. The feedback your students receive instantly is crucial to their learning.

Quick Facts

Favorite Edulastic question type?

All of the questions types, they each provide valuable assessments.

Favorite snack while using Edulastic

Reese’s peanut butter cup

Coffee or tea?




Favorite Book:

Hunger Games Trilogy

Best tactic to get the class quiet?

I don’t have tactic, I teach respect day 1 of school. Therefore, they know when I start talking to are to be focused and attentive.

Must-have classroom decor:

My removable wall quotes.

How do you like to spend your free time?

With my Husband and Daughter

Favorite time of the school year?

December, because I decorate my classroom for Christmas and listen to Christmas music.

What was your greatest accomplishment in the classroom this past year?

Winning a grant allowing a team of Educators to implement standards-based learning into our classrooms.

Kindest compliment you have received from a student?

I had a former student chose me (2 years after I had her) as their star teacher because I am kind, fun and nice. This meant the world to me. Even when we don’t think we are impacting our students, we are.

Funniest student moment?

One of my students hid in my closet at the beginning of the class. The rest of the class was giggling and I knew they were up to something. I walked over to my closet and opened it up and there was my student. They wanted to know how I figured it out. I told them they aren’t very good with secrets and teachers know everything!

Green Star

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