In the recent weeks, you may have seen some buzz about some new events we are hosting!  All of the events are a part of our new Edulastic Live super-series that we’re introducing this August. Every Thursday at 7pm ET (4pm PT) we are hosting a live event, primarily on our Twitter channel. So if you aren’t already connected with us on Twitter, now is the time to follow us so you can stay up to date with these community events.

We are launching Edulastic Live to build connection and collaboration among the amazing community of teachers and educators that use Edulastic and inspire us.  We hope you’ll be able to attend, pick up exciting new ideas, gain inspiration, and maybe even make a new friend!

With #EdulasticLive, we are happy to share a regular place and time for educators and school leaders to connect with one another. Because of this, you can count on an Edulastic Live event every Thursday at 7pm ET (4pm PT) so mark your calendar!

So, what is happening at #EdulasticLive each Thursday at 7pm ET?

To keep it exciting, we have different Edulastic Live events planned for each Thursday of the month. Here is what a standard month will look like:

1st Thursdays of the Month – #EdAssessChat

#EdAssessChat is a monthly Twitter chat. Join in to connect with other educators, share ideas, and learn from others. Each Twitter chat will have a theme, and questions to answer according to the theme. For example, our first chat is August 2nd at 7pm ET and the theme is “Back to School”. Teachers will be asked about things like fun first day of school traditions, plans for using digital assessment in the classroom, and teaching goals for the year. To participate, simply log on to Twitter at the time of the chat, follow the hashtag #EdAssessChat to see what others are saying, and use the hashtag when tweeting your own answers so that others can interact with you. Read more about it in this blog post and be sure to join on August 2nd as this is the first #EdulasticLive event!

2nd & 4th Thursdays of the Month – #TalkingWithTeachers

#TalkingWithTeachers is a new series of short, livestreamed interviews with awesome teachers in the Edulastic Community. During the event, we interview a featured teacher to get to know them, learn about their teaching style, discover how they use assessment in the classroom. Anyone can tune in live on Periscope, listen to teachers share their stories, and even get a chance to ask their own questions. To do this, log into Periscope with your Twitter account(or create a new account) and follow @Edulastic on Periscope to directly join the interview and comment, or watch the livestream via Twitter and tweet questions using the #TalkingWithTeachers hashtag. Our first interview will be on August 9th at 7pm ET (4pm PT) with 4th grade teacher Dena Morosin. Read more here

3rd Thursdays – Live Broadcast with Edulastic Team

For the 3rd Thursday of every month and that occasional 5th Thursday that slips in to some months, We’ll be hosting various other Edulastic Live events. For example, some Thursdays we’ll have a live interview with a member of the Edulastic staff team.

In sum, here is the general run of events on a given month:

1st Thursday: #EdAssessChat Twitter Chat
2nd Thursday: #TalkingwithTeachers Live Conversation with Featured Educator
3rd Thursday: #EdulasticLive Live Broadcast with Edulastic
4th Thursday: #TalkingwithTeachers Live Conversation with Featured Educator

The point is, there will be something for you to participate in every Thursday at 7pm Eastern or 4pm Pacific Time. Tune in every Thursday so that you won’t miss all of these awesome #EdulasticLive events we have planned for you!

Don’t Miss Out!

Follow @Edulastic on all of our social channels…especially Twitter and Periscope so you won’t miss out on Edulastic Live or anything else!