For educators, summertime tends to be somewhat of an extended “Educational New Year’s Eve” – a time of reflection, rest, celebration of the previous year, and planning to make the next year better.

Caught behind loads of paperwork and piles of grading? Switch to Edulastic to reduce the stress and use your time more effectively.

This time of reflection isn’t simply passive; summertime is also a time of conferences, in-service days, and opportunities to integrate new teaching practices and educational teaching tools.

As you’re reflecting, improving, and trying out new tactics for next year, give Edulastic a try.  You’ll eliminate those long hours of grading, reduce your paperwork, and you’ll free up the time and energy to spend face-to-face with your students. It’s worth giving Edulastic a try because it will make your job easier.

Below we’ve compiled all of our basic teacher training videos that will help you get started on Edulastic. If you feel like you’ve already got the basics down, check out last year’s article, Edulastic Tips and Tricks Videos by K-12 Teachers to up your Edulastic game.

If you’d rather get all the info in one video, check out our “Edulastic 101” video at the bottom of the page.

Teacher Training Videos

Edulastic Introduction

An introduction to this 6-part video series of how to get set up on Edulastic

Create an Edulastic Account

Learn how to set up your own Edulastic account and get started – it’s simple!

Create a Class

Now that you have your Edulastic account, this video will help you create a class and get it ready for your students.

Add Students

Here you will learn how to add students, manage their accounts, and edit your class details.

Create an Assessment

A quick overview of how to make your own assessment or find one in the Assessment Library.

Tracking Student Performance Data

This video will explain the great data that Edulastic has to offer. Learn where to find class data and how to interpret post-assessment data.

Assign an Assessment

Now that you have your class set up and you’ve chosen or created an assignment, here’s how you assign it to students.

Edulastic 101 Webinar

Rather see it all together? This 1 hour video walks you through getting started on Edulastic step-by-step.

PS: Subscribe to our YouTube channel to get the most recent updates on new tutorial videos, tips and tricks videos, and more.

What are you waiting for? Log in to get started

If you’re already an Edulastic pro, share this teacher training videos article with a colleague to make their upcoming school year a whole lot better.

Wondering how to introduce Edulastic to other teachers or your students? Check out this article about a fun way to introduce Edulastic to others for the first time!