We are proud to introduce our fifteenth Sunday Spotlight, featuring Shea Stehm who is a 5th Grade Teacher at Columbia Elementary in Joplin, Missouri. Shea enjoys eating almonds while using Edulastic, is a Google Classroom user, and enjoys giving back to the community and supporting kids through teaching. When teaching he aims to use real life examples in math to help connect students to the learning. We enjoyed getting to know Shea better and know you will too! 

Shea Stehm

5th Grade Teacher
Columbia Elementary
Joplin, Missouri

7 years working in education

“I want to teach students a set of values and skills they can internalize and use not for the test at the end of the year, but for the rest of their lives. The real test isn’t where are the kids after me. The real test is where are these kids 20 years from now, and what have I given them they can use forever.”

-Shea Stehm

Get to know Shea Stehm


What do you love about working in education? What motivates you? 

I love teaching the children the idea of self improvement. Everyone is on a journey and learning as much as we can along the way empowers us. And most importantly, learning from our mistakes is a good thing

Why did you become a teacher? 

The love of learning was instilled in me early by great elementary teachers. I also felt the need use my job/career as a public servant. I wanted to give back to my community.

What is your “Edulastic story”? 

After trying a myriad of online assessment programs, I had an epiphany. My idea was a website where there would be an online question bank and teachers could pick from the bank of questions to develop their own assessments based on the needs of their students. Shortly after, I found the Edulastic beat me to it 😀 I was more than happy to begin using Edulastic.

Describe your favorite Edulastic “aha” moment.

Goes back to my Edulastic story- when I realized I found a program that would allow me to customize my own assessments by standards from a question bank as well as create my own. The cherry on top was the real time data tracker. Amazing!

What are your teaching/learning goals this school year?

My goal this year is to use more real life examples in math. When students can see how math is used in the real world it helps them connect to the learning.

Sum up your teaching philosophy in a few sentences! 

My philosophy is borrowed – I want to teach students a set of values and skills they can internalize and use not for the test at the end of the year, but for the rest of their lives. The real test isn’t where are the kids after me. The real test is where are these kids 20 years from now, and what have I given them they can use forever.

Share a favorite motivational quote or motivating idea.

Two quotes come to mind that I try to remember help keep me motivated to think outside the box.
“No child ever learns curiosity by filling up curiosity worksheets.”
“Hearing lectures on perseverance doesn’t seem to have much impact on the extent to which young people persevere.”
These motivate me to think outside the box with lessons and classroom management. It drives me to involve the students with real examples that are hands on.

What was your greatest accomplishment this past year?

I would have to say getting a small group of students to actually enjoy math and beg for it not to end. Sometimes students come into your class with negative experiences with subjects. Trying to teach them a growth mindset can be difficult. But last year, I had a group of students who turned the corner and felt success and confidence with math.

Tips for new Edulastic users:

I would definitely say to “like” the assessments that you might be interested in for future use. This helps to keep track of assessments that you might want to use down the road. Also, look into using Google Classroom with Edulastic. Syncing the two programs has really helped keep our assignments in order.

Quick Facts

Favorite Edulastic question type?

Fraction Editor

Favorite snack while using Edulastic


Coffee or tea?


Spring or Fall?




Favorite Book:

Holes by Louis Sachar

Best tactic for getting the class quiet?

“Andy’s Coming!” Basically, you yell, “Andy’s Coming” in reference to Toy Story. All the students lay where they are, like toys. Kids love it.

Must- have classroom Decor: 

Cinema Lightbox (Marquee sign)

Favorite time of the school year and why:

October – Students are settled in and the deep learning is beginning. Also, fall weather makes recess great.

Kindest compliment you have received from a student or teacher?

“Thank you for teaching me things I can use for the rest of my life.”

Funniest moment on the job?

I overheard a student saying this to a group of friends in class, “This morning I put on body spray called MOST WANTED. Hope the girls stay off me, and the police.

How do you like to spend your free time?

I like to spend time with my wife and 1 year old son. Playing softball, golf, fishing, and watching good movies.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I see myself still in the classroom. I’ve contemplated different roles with education, but I always comes back to the classroom. I think it’s a real tragedy when good teachers leave the classroom.
Green Star

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