We are proud to feature Dena Morosin in our third Sunday Spotlight! Read on for our exclusive interview, which touched on the love of learning, salty snacks, Stephen King, and the Denver Broncos.

Dena Morosin

4th Grade Teacher
Shasta Elementary School
Years teaching: 18

“I can NOT imagine doing anything else. I love coming to work each day and never knowing what to expect.”

Get to know Dena Morosin

What do you love about teaching? Why did you get started & what motivates you?

I knew from the time I was in elementary school that I wanted to be a teacher. My sixth grade teacher had a major impact on me. I can NOT imagine doing anything else. I love coming to work each day and never knowing what to expect. My students keep me so energized and motivated. I love learning along side my class, and watching their “ah-ha” moments and watching students see their growth/gains. When they can look at their own personal data and see how much they have grown and they get the smile of pure pride!

What is your “Edulastic story”?

I learned about Edulastic at a technology conference several years ago, and I have laptopsbeen using it ever since! I love Edulastic! It is easy to use, syncs with Google Classroom, Engage NY math and it helps prepare my students for State testing. I use Edulastic weekly for warm ups, exit tickets, weekly review and end of unit assessments. My 5th grade team also used an Edulastic assessment for our Student learning goals for the year.

Describe your Edulastic “aha” moment in more detail (the moment where you discovered Edulastic and realized it was going to be a great fit).

When I first started using Edulastic I could not believe the data that it provided for me. I remember sitting at home grading papers and trying to figure what question my students missed most, what questions they were successful on and what standard they each were– Edulastic DOES all of this for me, automatically! I get immediate feedback and know what I need to reteach and what standards my students have mastered.

What are your teaching/learning goals this school year?new-piktochart_23597116_8fe4f687ec1e343c3586810d40a24ad29831eb6d

I am moving to a new school this year, so my goals will be to learn a new grade level and new staff. I hope to be able to offer some training to my new staff on Edulastic as well as other technology resources. I am excited to be a part of the Edulastic Innovator team again this year.

Reflecting on challenges that you had to overcome last year, what are some tips for teachers who are new to Edulastic?

Work with your team! Even if you are a small school, meet up with other teachers to help you create your first few tests. Share your work with each other. My team took turns creating end of unit tests for Engage NY and we shared them with each other…. Take the test yourself before assigning to students the first time, we always seems to find a mistake along the way! Ask for help, the Innovator team and the support staff at Edulastic are GREAT!

Quick Facts

Favorite thing to snack on while using Edulastic?

I love salt… nuts and chips!

coffeecupCoffee or Tea?


Fall or Spring?


Best tactic to get the class quiet?

I say “Denver” they say “broncos”

Which computer?


Must-have classroom decor:

Anything Denver Broncos!

Favorite book?new-piktochart_23597116_a3bc69ed913fdeca8a282cd60c05245bb61a93f1

For myself.. anything Stephen King. For my students, Harry Potter

Favorite time of the school year? 

Spring– I know my students well and they know me! We have the opportunity to build great relationships (with families also )

Kindest compliment you have received from a student?

When a students tells me that I have had an effect on their life and when they say that I have made them a better student/person. When a student WANTS to keep learning!

How do you like to spend your free time?golf

I like to run, play golf, garden, read, continue learning about new technology for my students, teach teachers about new technology. AND I have FOUR English Mastiffs!

Funniest student moment?

So so many of them… This year we were participating in “Pink Shirt Day” an anti bullying campaign. My students were making posters to hang in the hall way.. as I was hanging up the poster I noticed that one of my students made a great artistic poster… but they left the “r” out of shirt… We didn’t hang that one!

Greatest accomplishment in the classroom this past year?

I was selected to be a part of Classroom Champions last year. (only 600 classroom in the world) My students got to have Olympic Athletes as their mentors. We learned about goal setting, friendship, leadership, fair play and healthy living with our mentors. It was an amazing program. I also started an after school Coding club at my school and had 30 students join up !

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