We are proud to introduce our seventh Sunday Spotlight, featuring Angela Wright who teaches in Memphis, TN. Angela, teaches 7th grade math and enjoys working with children and helping them reach for their dreams through their education. We hope you enjoy getting to know Angela!

Angela Wright

Angela Wright

7th Grade Math
Riverview PK-8

Memphis, TN
4 years teaching

“My motivation of teaching is seeing the progress of my students develop over time.”

Get to know Angela Wright

What do you love about teaching? 

What I love about teaching is teaching gives me the opportunity to be a part of my students and my colleagues support system by sharing my knowledge and experiences. The seed of becoming a teacher was planted by my 9th grade Chemistry teacher. I enjoyed his out of the box methods of teaching so much that I wanted to be just like him. My motivation of teaching is seeing the progress of my students develop over time.pencil to digital

What is your “Edulastic story”? 

Being a blended learning school, the use of technology was integrated as part of our curriculum. Our end of the year testing had been changed from paper and pencil to the students taking it online. To prepare the students for the new method of testing, the staff was presented several free online assessment tools by the PLC coach. After trying all of the suggested tools, I found it much easier to navigate Edulastic and I became hooked.

Describe your Edulastic “aha” moment.

After administering my first online assessment, and seeing the immediate results I knew then Edulastic was a great fit for me.

What are your teaching/learning goals this school year?

My main teaching goal is to inspire my students to love learning.

Tips for new Edulastic users:

One of the biggest challenges my students and I had to overcome with Edulastic was their ability to login. For some reason every time the same students would attempt to login the information was invalid. I would often have to recreate another login for them. When using anything new it could be frustrating in the beginning, so I highly recommend watching the suggested Edulastic navigation videos on YouTube and through trial and error you will become a Edulastic lover just like me.

Quick Facts

Favorite Edulastic question type?

Multiple choice

Screen Shot 2017-09-17 at 9.39.11 AMFavorite snack while using Edulastic

Chips and dip

Coffee or tea?


Favorite time of school year?




Best tactic to get the class quiet?

Let’s go to SLANT (sit up, listen, ask and answer questions, nod your head, track the teacher)

Must-have classroom decor:

Anything with the phrase “Mistakes are proof you are trying”

Favorite book?

The Shack by William P Young

Kindest compliment you have received from a student?

I love your smile.

Greatest teaching-related accomplishment this year?

Getting through my first year of our new math curriculum.

How do you like to spend your free time?movie

Watching movies 

What movie could you watch over and over again?

Sound of Music
Green Star

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