An example of how to change a test interface.
Educators using Edulastic can match the look and feel of their K-12 state tests with a test interface when providing assessments.

When spring rolls around, educators know state testing season isn’t far behind. Usually, these assessments run from March through April (and sometimes into May depending on the state). Love them or hate them, these mandatory state assessments help the state and national government track how students are doing. The resulting report cards help the Department of Education understand how schools and districts are performing, so they can determine where to allocate support and assistance, as well as recognize schools where students are excelling. 

These days, state testing is primarily conducted online, so preparing students for this environment is a key part to success. Once comfortable with the online interface, students can focus on the most important part of the test — showing what they know. 

Giving online assessments leading up to state testing is one of the best ways teachers can prepare students for this digital testing environment. While states may offer practice tests for students, providing them with consistent practice opportunities throughout the year can help normalize the experience, increase comfort, and reduce surprises. 

With Edulastic, students can now familiarize themselves with digital assessments with over 50 technology-enhanced question types and a test interface that mimics their official exam. Leveraging these tools, educators can assign students formative assessments, quizzes, homework, worksheets, summative assessments, and more. 

With an Edulastic Premium account, you can access the state test interface menu when you go to assign an assessment under the Misc. tab.

Match Your State Test Interface — Questar, TestNave, Cambium, DRC, SBAC, you name it!

It’s never too early (or too late, for that matter) to start giving your students assignments that will help them feel comfortable in a state testing environment. The state testing environment within Edulastic offers a way for teachers to choose an interface that matches their state test’s. Premium account users can assign an assessment that looks like Questar, TestNav, Cambium, SBAC, DRC, or other tests. 

Check out this gallery of photos for a sneak peek. For a more in-depth look, log into your Premium account, navigate to the assign an assessment page, go to the Miscellaneous tab, and choose a test interface from the dropdown list. 

  • Questar Test Interface with Drag and Drop
  • DCR Test Interface

Tech-enhanced item types

In addition to a matching test environment, students can practice with technology-enhanced items. Gone are the days of simple multiple-choice questions; now, students see passage-based questions, drag-and-drop, fill-in-the-blank, dropdown, graphing, and more. Explore Edulastic’s item types to see the kinds of questions that can be assigned. 

Access state-released items

As an instructor, you can find tests in the assessment library that match what you’re looking for, pull together assessments from the item bank, customize anything you find, or craft your own content. If your state releases practice items and assessments from previous years, you can likely find them on Edulastic! This will save you time and help students experience questions, item types, and other elements they are likely to see when state testing time begins. Here, you can locate released state test items and assessments on Edulastic. 

Practice makes a difference

With your free or Premium Edulastic account, you’ll be on your way to supporting students in more ways than ever — but don’t take our word for it. Discover how Paragould School District in Arkansas got statewide recognition for their incredible academic growth with the help of Edulastic. You can also hear from educator Angie Wright, who was blown away when she saw her class’ state test scores. 

Sign up today for a free account, or log into your account to get started!