We are thrilled to introduce Edulastic Innovator Spotlight member James Andrew Busie! James Andrew is a sixth grade math teacher in Philadelphia, Tennessee. He uses Edulastic everyday for quick formative assessments. He is also a baseball coach at Loudon High School. We enjoyed getting to know James Andrew and hope you do too!

Get to know James Andrew Busie

What inspired you to work in education?

I wanted to become a teacher because I wanted to be able to have a meaningful impact on my community and society. I also wanted to coach baseball as a means to help give players guidance and leadership.

How did you learn about Edulastic? What is your Edulastic story?

I heard about Edulastic several years ago. I started using it to search assessment questions that I would use in my classroom tests. Two years ago my school district went fully 1 to 1 with computers. This allowed me to be able to create assessments and quickly give feedback and collect data. I’m a data junkie!

What do you love about Edulastic? How do you use it in your classroom?

I love how it is user friendly and has good quality questions that are aligned to my standards. I use it for formative and summative assessments. I can quickly see how my lesson went that day and give every student feedback because I’m not running around trying to grade everything. Edulastic has provided me with more time for planning lessons and has been a huge time saver for me.

Please sum up your teaching philosophy in a few sentences?

Building relationships with students is crucial for their success and my own. Kids first.

What tips do you have for teachers who are new to Edulastic?

Use this free product!!

Fun Facts

What subjects do you use Edulastic for?


Favorite movie:

Forrest Gump

Extracurricular activities:

I do before school tutoring, I run the clock and announce the names for all home basketball games, I am a member of my school’s leadership and data team, and I coach baseball at Loudon High School.

Favorite book:

Of Mice and Men

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