We are proud to introduce Edulastic Innovator Spotlight member Catherine Tang! Catherine is a high school math teacher in Louisville, KY. She’s a huge fan of technology and going green in the classroom. We enjoyed getting to know Catherine and hope you do too!

Get to know Catherine Tang

How did you learn about Edulastic? What is your Edulastic story?

I first learned about Edulastic when one of my former colleagues introduced it to me. I was actually hesitant to try it because it was introduced to me in the middle of the year and I didn’t want to implement something that I had no knowledge about. However, I am a huge fan of technology and going-green to help save our environment. I was also in a school with 1:1 iPads, so I decided to give Edulastic a try.

What do you love about Edulastic? How do you use it in your classroom?

I love how easy it is to use and the question bank is awesome! I love that I can assign standards to each problem. Also, the instant feedback that both teachers and students can view on their screens is a huge time-saver. I was able to use my time on analyzing data and conferencing with each individual student to help them see what standards they had mastered and what standards they needed to improve on.

What initially inspired you to work in education?

I came to the United States when I was 15 years old by myself. Without the support of my wonderful and caring teachers, I would not be where I am today. Not only did they teach me the content knowledge, but they also showed me what compassion and kindness looked like regardless of your backgrounds and beliefs. They went EXTRA miles to make sure that I had what I needed to be on my way to success. They treated me as if I were their OWN child. That meant SO MUCH to me because I was thousands of miles away from my family/home. With that said, my life long mission is to make a difference in children’s lives because they are our future. I also want to bring hope to our children and hope that they will do the same for others one day when they are able to. Being an educator afforded me such opportunity because I get to work with them directly.

What tips do you have for teachers who are new to Edulastic?

If you are 1:1, start using it for bell works and such so that you and kids can get used to using it. That will hopefully minimize the anxiety or push back of trying something new. In my experience, most teachers don’t want to try it because it’s out of their comfort zone, but I promise that it is super easy to use.

Please sum up your teaching philosophy in a few sentences:

I strongly believe in student learning rather than earning a grade in school. Having an A doesn’t necessarily mean that a particular student has mastered the standards. In today’s world, we are surrounded with all kinds of resources (good and bad), so we must teach our students how to think and solve problems so that they can overcome obstacles in life. I also deeply believe that everyone has a role and obligation to make our world a better and safer place.

Share an #EduVictory from the past year:

I was a part of the Montessori Team at my school. We continue to build our program to make it the best it can be. We really worked hard together to ensure that we implemented the philosophies of Dr. Maria Montessori with fidelity. We truly are committed to educating the WHOLE child so that they can be well-prepared for life.

Fun Facts

Favorite Edulastic question type:

Multiple choice

Favorite lesson to teach:


What subjects do you use Edulastic for?


Favorite movie:

The Notebook

Extracurricular activities:

I’m the sponsor of National Honor Society

Must have classroom decor:

Growth mindset poster

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