A graph with partially met, not quite met, not met, fully met, and nearly met benchmarks

It’s the end of another school year, and you’re eagerly watching as your countdown dwindles on your whiteboard. 

Summer is almost here – but before you rush off to enjoy a day by the pool or a morning without an alarm clock, it’s time to celebrate all the amazing things you and your students have accomplished this year. 

And what better way to celebrate growth than with data? With Edulastic’s Premium Pre vs. Post Report, you can visually mark the growth your students have seen over the year. This report is invaluable as you plan for how to improve instruction next year, but better yet – it’s the perfect opportunity to commend your students for their efforts this year and send them to the next phase of their education journey equipped with the confidence they need to be lifelong learners. 

What is the Pre vs. Post Report? 

The Premium Pre vs. Post Report in Edulastic offers a powerful, data-driven solution to view student growth throughout the year. Available to all Edulastic Premium accounts, this report helps teachers track progress between a pre and post test – allowing you to quickly identify trends in student performance that can help inform your instruction and measure student progress. 

This report is available in the Multiple Assessment Report section under your Standard Reports tab. This report compiles metrics on: 

  • Performance level distribution, including percentages and counts of students 
  • Band jumps pre- and post-assessment 
  • Change in performance by class

While this report is a valuable tool to utilize throughout the school year to continuously monitor student progress, it is especially valuable at the end of the year as we wrap up end-of-course exams and reflect on how to improve instruction for the next school year. 

Let’s consider a specific use case for how a teacher may use this report to support their professional growth. 

An image of an Edulastic report

Use Case: Levering End-of-Year Growth Data for Targeted Instruction and Professional Growth 

Mx. Anderson, an 8th-grade English teacher, is committed to ensuring their students consistently progress in their understanding of key language arts concepts throughout the school year. To achieve this, they administer benchmark assessments at the beginning, middle, and end of the academic year.

After analyzing the Pre vs. Post Report at the end of the school year, Mx. Anderson discovers their students have made significant progress in reading comprehension, but have shown limited improvement in writing skills, particularly in areas such as essay structure and thesis development. Intrigued by these findings, they decide to investigate the possible reasons behind the discrepancies and plan targeted interventions for the following school year.

Mx. Anderson uses the insights gained from the Pre vs. Post Report to identify specific areas of instruction that need improvement. They review their lesson plans and determine their students need more focused instruction on essay writing techniques and opportunities to practice thesis development. As a result, they devise an action plan for the upcoming academic year that includes:

  • Incorporating mini-lessons on essay structure and thesis development.
  • Providing students with guided practice and peer-review sessions to improve their writing skills.
  • Offering individualized feedback and support during one-on-one conferences.
  • Utilizing writing workshops to help students refine their essays and strengthen their arguments.

By leveraging the data from the Pre vs. Post Report, Mx. Anderson is able to address the identified gaps and make data-informed decisions to enhance their teaching strategies. This approach ensures their students receive the support they need to excel in all aspects of language arts in the upcoming academic year.

Additionally, Mx. Anderson uses the Pre vs Post Report during their end-of-the-year celebration. Before their students leave on summer break, Mx. Anderson meets with each student one-on-one to go over their growth from this year. With the Pre vs. Post report, each student can quickly grasp how far they’ve come and what they’ve accomplished. Mx. Anderson uses this as an opportunity for celebration and learning – helping each of their students build confidence they can take with them into the next school year. 

Unlocking Student Potential with Edulastic’s Premium Pre and Post Report

Mx. Anderson’s experience is just one example of how Edulastic’s Premium Pre vs. Post Report can empower educators to make data-informed decisions that foster student success. By identifying areas of growth and improvement, teachers can fine-tune their instruction, plan targeted interventions, empower students, and ultimately create a more effective learning environment.

As the school year comes to a close, remember the insights you’ve gained from Edulastic’s Premium Reports will serve as valuable tools to inform your future instructional decisions. 

But most importantly – enjoy your well-deserved summer vacation knowing you are well-equipped to guide your students toward academic success in the upcoming school year! 

Ready to learn with data and have a Teacher Premium account? Log in and check out the reports today!