A snowperson frolics in the snow

The year itself may be winding down, but the school year is just heating up. Keeping a classroom occupied this time of year is no easy task — add a looming winter break on the horizon, and it’s no wonder students might be feeling a little restless! 

Luckily, educators are a pretty skilled bunch at keeping everyone on task. Still, we’ve got your back if you need a little reinforcement throughout the month.

We’ve put together a collection of Edulastic assessments that help students feel comfortable taking tests digitally before state tests in the spring while focusing on more lighthearted subjects, so they have fun while staying engaged and on task. But you don’t have to stop there — you can use these assessments to inspire your own Edulastic creations, which you can then share with other educators!

Fun winter break Edulastic assessment collection

Be sure you’re logged into your Edulastic account, then click into these exciting assessments (class holiday party not included!).

Want more ideas for fun ways to introduce students to Edulastic? Check out this article full of practice assessments that ease students into the interface with subjects like cartoon characters, superheroes, pop culture, and more.