Searches for “distance learning” on Google by subregion from January 1, 2020 to December 15, 2021. Color intensity represents percentage of searches.

Click here to see the full report!

You say “toe-may-to”; I say “tom-ah-toe”. Educators across the country are sharing this strange and scary moment in history, stepping up to try new ways of teaching, and using technology that may be new to them and their students. And what do they call this new way of virtual teaching? Well, it depends on where you are. 

According to Google trends, online searches for things like “distance learning” and “virtual teaching” have spiked.

Interestingly though, educators appear to use different terms for what we’re all now doing, based on region. Alabama educators are searching for “distance learning,” while those in New England query “remote learning.” Some Midwesterners and educators in Georgia use “virtual learning.”

Check out the most common queries in your state!

Searches for “distance learning” on Google from January 1, 2020 to December 15, 2021

Interested to explore more regional dialects? We couldn’t help but think of this fun quiz that pins your personal dialect map. Perhaps theses virtual teaching terms could be a relevant new addition to this type of quiz! What do you think?!