How Edulastic Can Help Your Students Prepare for State Standardized Tests

No matter where you are in America, you and your students may see state standardized tests as a big source of anxiety because of their high stakes. The best way to reduce testing anxiety is to have students practice, practice, practice! Consider checking out Edulastic’s variety of practice state tests to help students gain familiarity and confidence with these tests.

One key benefit of using Edulastic for practice tests is that it simulates the online environment that many state standardized tests now use. Edulastic’s variety of technology enhanced question types, such as drag and drop and table filling, closely mimic those on state tests and help students develop the technical skills necessary to maneuver them. Edulastic is also accessible on all digital devices so that students can gain familiarity with the devices they will ultimately use for the test. By taking Edulastic practice tests, students become acquainted with the format and technology used during state tests. 

Another key benefit of Edulastic’s practice tests is the instant feedback that it provides for students and teachers. Edulastic’s autograding allows students to immediately get their results and understand their capabilities. Furthermore, Edulastic’s data analytics tools allow teachers to easily spot areas to focus on with each student– which skills and standards need intervention — and quickly remediate weak spots before the state test rolls around.

Ready to help your students practice for the state test? You can sign up for a free Edulastic account and start assigning state practice tests today!

Explore our variety of practice tests: 

Ready to practice?  Log into Edulastic and start assigning PARCC practice assessments to your students!

Don’t see your state’s standardized practice test here?